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Why RFID technology enhances traceability solutions?

Traceability (track and trace) is a concept that arose from the need to know where in a product is in the supply chain is also widely used in quality control. According to Dyer (1966) this concept is the ability to trace the path of history, application, location and use of an individual good or a set of characteristics of goods through identification numbers. Ie, the ability to know through a code which the identity of the goods and their origins and destinations. Is not the meaning of traceability in the Portuguese language dictionary, being a compound word by tracing verb that means" to trace or track, investigate, inquire, inquiring," and the feminine noun skill, which means: "quality skilled". In practical terms, tracking is knowing "what" (the product or artifact), "where" came from (the source) and "where" was (destination). Thus, the definition requires three basic tracking data:


Tracking is an essential tool in the globalization of commercial markets, the average process which makes it very difficult to identify the origin of the raw materials and the circumstances in which it carries out the production of food and medicine, for example. The ID also allows, in the case of a public health problem arise, determine all contaminated batch and, if necessary, remove it from circulation and to define the responsibilities of each actor in the supply chain. Thus allows rapid intervention by the competent authorities, ensuring quality, safety and productivity to the logistical processes.

RFID applications leverage traceability solutions, mainly for storage, reading and sending data in tags. This way you can easily identify what you want to be tracked. Furthermore, it is possible to carry out simultaneous reading of multiple tags without the need for direct visualization of the reader. This feature enables high productivity in identification activities during the entire journey.

The robustness of the tunneling solutions special tags determines the possibility of use in hostile environments, often unfit for human activities, as well as reuse of solutions closed loop wherein the process is systematically repeated. In this sense, it is possible to find items still in search runtime process.