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Participation of ACURA in RFID Journal LIVE! USA 2014

ACURA Global, pioneer in the market of RFID, was present in the 12th annual event of conference and exposition of RFID Journal, in Orlando, USA, from April 8th to 10th. There have been more than 50 presentations to end users of the technology. The sessions show how to overcome challenges in installation, reach business benefits and manage goods.

Watch a video published in the YouTube channel which documents the company's attendance to the event:

According to Paulo Jarbas, Marketing and Communication Manager of ACURA Global, "The RFID Journal LIVE! 2014 event in Orlando was a great opportunity for ACURA to solidify its ampliation strategy of international attendance. We have a branch in California (ACURA USA) and another one in Santiago, Chile (ACURA LATIN AMERICA) with the purpose of responding to demands of clients outside of Brazil.

Companies from all over the world are installing RFID in many sectors to improve efficiency and service to customers, and also to reduce spending. The number of attendees from retail and manufacture has gone up this year, as well as ones from big companies, and many retailers and distributors were there for the first time. The total public increased by 5%, to around 2,800, with an exponential increase in the percentage of buyers of the RFID technology in comparison to previous years. In general, the number of interested companies increased by more than 10%.

"The event has surpassed our expectations, seeing as we receive a big volume of new contacts in many parts of the world, citing especially Latin America, Brazil, Europe and Asia. We registered more than 50 brazilian companies, many of which are our business partners, which allowed an amplification of our relations presenting news of products and positioning of our brand", complements Paulo Jarbas.

The visitors hail from 56 countires, representing 45% of the total, which suggests RFID is warm in the entire world.

About ACURA Global

ACURA Global, headquartered in Brazil, is a pioneer in the market of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). Since the early 90s ACURA has successfully implemented RFID technology in large scale applications. ACURA’s RFID systems have many applications in the commercial, utility and industrial sectors of the economy. Our applications include mining to steel production, agriculture to food processing, logistics to retailing, transports to distribution chain and access control to active management. ACURA RFID Systems is very agile, promoting new technologies and innovation, with a businesslike focus on the viability of R&D projects.